These are
all Elgin butter churns. The first butter churn on the left is a
6 quart Elgin. This model has a distinctive slanting blue handle.
The second butter churn is the same style in a 2 quart size. This
butter churn still has its original paper label which reads; "ELGIN Guaranteed
Highest Quality For The Modern Dairyman". Typically Elgin butter
churns will have no manufacturers information on the glass or the metal.
When the label washes off the churns are unmarked. The jars will
usually be marked with the quart size. The next two churns are a
4 and a 2 quart Elgin with a Dazey style top. This style predated
the blue handled one. One characteristic of Elgin churns is the tops
have a round, non-removable screen. This earlier style was sold by
Sears and Roebuck. In their 1927 catalog a 4 quart churn like this
cost $1.95.
Thanks to Doug for his information.

These three
butter churns all have similarly shaped jars and were made by the Standard
Churn Company (SCC) of Wapakoneta, Ohio. They are often described
as tulip shaped jars. The two butter churns on the left are four
quart churns and the one on the right is an eight quart. These are
the only two sizes I have seen for these butter churns. The first
was sold with a Farm Master label by Sears and the second was sold by Montgomery
Wards. The eight quart butter churn on the left I have seen in blue
like this one or with red gear covers and handle. These butter churns
all have whey screens punched in the lid, "FILL TO HERE" and either a 4
or an 8 (depending on the quart size) embossed on the side of the jar and
PAT. APP. FOR and SCC embossed on the base. Typically butter churns
are designed to churn at around half of their capacity. A four quart
butter churn would churn 2 quarts of cream.
Thanks Doug