Well, they have finally done it. They are
reproducing the One Quart Dazey Churns along with what they are calling
a pint and what we are calling a half-pint. It is really disheartening
when you find that someone has paid 900.00 or more for a reproduction one
quart. I guess it is business but people should be told that they
are reproduction. Check out the churn mechanism on the quart. Does it have
the number 10 on the center post, 20G on the gear, 10H on the handle?
Does the jar have one quart on it? Is the statement "Made In USA"
smudged? The wooden handle on the top of the reproduction one quart will
be real small, attached with a threaded rivet. The rivet is screwed in
instead of hammered in, the shaft that runs the paddles is smaller than
the original. The inside of the neck is wavy and too thick.
If you try to fit an authentic old one quart set of paddles on the reproduction
jar, they will not go. The wooden paddles on the old top would have
to be altered to fit in the reproduction jar. The wooden paddles are made
of some other wood which has too much grain. The original paddles
were made of maple.
Reproduction Pint and 1/2 Pint Churns
As per information in our files, the Dazey
Company gave a churn from their stock to use for display purposes.
In a letter we have found, they had to discontinue the practice because
they were not getting them back!
Reproduction 4 quart jar
The statement "Made In USA" is missing from the label. The writing is not as pronounced as in the old jars. The top edge appears to have been cut off not molded as with the old jars. So buyer beware. They are selling in the 49.00 range