Important: -don't churn cream that
is so thick it won't flow freely, without first thinning it with milk.
Thick cream won't churn quickly or thoroughly and only causes a loss in
butter yield.
1. - Pour
the cream into the churn, then see that the temperature of the cream is
correct for churning. About 50 to 60 degrees in hot weather
and 60 to 70 degrees in cold weather. Either sweet or sour cream
may be used in making butter, however, the best results, both in
to QUALITY and QUANTITY are secured with cream which has become
sour, just to a degree that gives it a pleasant acid taste. Don't
fail to set milk in a cool place where the air is dry, pure and free
all orders.
2.- Now turn the crank about 80 revolutions per minute until butter has formed into grains about the size of wheat. DO NOT CHURN ANY LONGER AS IT WILL ONLY BALL THE BUTTER INTO A MASS. In their suggestions, they say to stop churning when butter has formed in grains like rice, as further churning will not secure any more butter, but injures the quality and makes more work for you.
3.- now place cloth or fine strainer over mouth of jar and pour off the milk, leaving butter in the churn, then fill the jar two thirds full of clean, cool water, replace the dasher and turn the crank a few times, this washes the butter grains free of all milk. If first water does not wash thoroughly repeat.
4.- Pour water with the butter into a cloth or fine strainer, this catches the butter and allows the water to run through, now place the butter (which is still in the granular form ) in a dish and after standing a few minutes all the water will have drained from the butter and it is then ready to salt and mold.
BUTTER; first spread the butter which is still in the granular
in a thin layer, now sprinkle evenly over the butter one ounce of fine
salt (more or less to suit taste) to each pound of butter and then work
just enough to evenly distribute the salt through the butter.
Do not wash the jar with warm water immediately after churning as the
is very cold and the rapid expansion caused by the sudden change of
might break the jar.
very kind person wrote me the following information to correct the
contained in these instructions. It deals with the temperature of
the cream and also to the salting of the butter. The temperature
of the cream should be 38---42'c Salt---when making commercial butter
salt roughly 16oz to every 56lb of butter. This is about
level teaspoon of salt to every 1/2pint of cream churned in small
quantities. Thanks so much!!!!!