Harry sent more photos:  Enjoy!!!!!
Hi Butchnd,
Thought you might enjoy some churn pictures from us again...maybe add
them to page 50...the first one shows the 5 kinds of wooden churns made
by the Standard Churn Co. from Wapakoneta Ohio...the little homemaker in
front  very rare..the one on the far right   a horizontal keg on legs
called  Ok churn...only one we have seen in 30 years...,
The other pictures   the 5 different sizes of churns made by the
M.Brown Co. Wpakoneta ohio...Bentwood churns..
3-4-6-9 and 12 gallon sizes..3 and 12
very rare.

When we first emailed you lots of pictures..you put them on your web
site..and for a short time you had our email address there...we recieved
questions from churn folks   asking about wooden churns..we love hearing
from other collectors and enjoy helping out....
then our email address was gone...we sure dont mind having it at your
web site   if you dont mind..if  ok....maybe you can add it somewhere on
page 50...
our email is
I think we visit your site weekly....always looking for new
information..i guess we are churn-aholics.....
Just got back from Wapakoneta a few weeks ago..we picked up a great 5
gallon Standard Churn  on legs....one we did not have     they made 5-7
and 10 gallon churns on legs..so very hard to find with flower decals
and lid stencil  intact.
time to shop ebay  thanks for your time
Harry & Annie